About JenGreenWriter – Travel Blogger

JenGreenWriter at Machu Picchu in Peru.
Me at Machu Picchu in 2016.

Why write a travel blog? There are already too many out there. Who cares what I think? I haven’t been half of the places most of the people I know have been. What makes me an expert?

Despite my better judgment, I ignored all good reason and plowed ahead. I always wanted a travel blog, but never had the time. Now that I’ve finished my MBA, I have a lot of time and a lot more St. Louis sites and trips under my belt.

Another reason I couldn’t stay quiet anymore is that my city is so underrated. Most see it as fly-over country. But I believe it’s so much more. It’s a city filled with history, great restaurants, tons of art and entertainment, affordable homes, a comfortable yet ever-changing climate (keeps things exciting when it’s 70 degrees one day and 32 the next!) and it’s home to some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.

So this travel blog is dual-purposed: One part travels outside of St. Louis, Missouri and one part St. Louis-focused.

I can’t promise I’ll post on a regular schedule, but I do promise that when I do it will be honest and hopefully entertaining – or at the very least educational.

More than anything, I hope to inspire you to do your own adventuring – whether it’s in your town or around the world.

Happy exploring!